Work with proven recruitment professionals to find the RIGHT Talent

Retained & Engaged Search
Are you looking for your next Senior Leader and need some dedicated recruiting support? We offer two types of dedicated searches – Engaged and Retained – depending on your needs.

Flat Fee
Looking to hire your next great employee but don’t have the time? Leverage our sourcing and recruiting expertise to find the right candidate for your team.
Need help with a short or long term project? Whether you need one person or a team, our temporary staff augmentation offering can help you bridge gaps and complete projects on time.

Retained & Engaged Search
When hiring mid and senior level leaders it is beneficial to work with an independent search firm to make sure you have someone focused on finding you the right talent. This is especially true when this position is confidential in nature.
Hire Tomorrow offers two different Dedicated Search options – Retained Search and Engaged Search. Contact us today to learn more about each option to determine which will work best for your needs.

Flat Fee Search
Most recruiting firms offer a contingent search option. This is great for the client because you only pay a fee if they successfully place a candidate with you. The problem is that using a fee based on a percentage of the new hire’s salary could put the recruiting firm in a position to submit candidates that are at the higher end, or above, the budgeted salary range, causing them to get a higher fee. The higher the salary, the higher the fee.
Hire Tomorrow uses an agreed upon Flat Fee for each position. This allows us to focus on finding the Right Talent for our clients, without the client worrying that we are only submitting candidates based on the fee we could be paid. Our goals are aligned with the client – they want the right talent and we want to get paid a fair fee for finding that talent. It is a Win-Win! Plus the candidate gets to work at a great company – Win-Win-Win!!!

Temporary Recruitment
Flexibility in hiring is very important in any economic environment and it is equally important to have a trusted recruiting partner that can help you scale up quickly. Hire Tomorrow can help you find one person to plug into a team or an entire team to complete a mission-critical project. Put us to work finding you that Subject Matter Expert (SME) to make sure your projects stay on track and are completed on time.